Thursday, March 28, 2013


Left Pahrump for a stop in Beatty, NV.  Cute little town.  We went to Rhyolite ghost town today.  Rod got caught trying to go into the ruins of a brothel.  LOL. 

Tomorrow we will head for Hawthorne.  Following the weather & it looks like thunderstorms this weekend so we want to get closer to Carson City.

One of the things that has been really fun, at least for me, is the book exchanges that are at about 99% of the RV Parks we have visited.  I have read lots of books over the past 7 months.  Found some new authors & read fave past authors.  In fact, I read one mystery novel, & there was a part of it I quite couldn't figure out.  I emailed the author & she wrote me back.  Seems it was a novel she wrote a long time ago & couldn't remember how she had worked out the part I had a question about.  It was cool that she wrote back though.

Plans for after Hawthorne will depend on the weather.  We would like to go to Walker River before we head in to Carson City.  We'll see. 

Can't wait to see everyone back in Oregon.  Don't forget to root for the Ducks tomorrow night.  They are playing Louisville Friday night.  Wouldn't it be cool if they upset the #1 team predicted to win the NCAA championship.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

...we are on our way...

Do you all remember the movie "Paint Your Wagon"?  Clint Eastwood was in this a musical. He sang the song "Mariah"?  As in they call the wind... Anyway one of the other songs that started the movie went:
  • Where are we going?
  • I don't know?
  • When will we get there?
  • I ain't certain.
  • All I know is we are on our way...
Well folks, we are finally on our way back home.  Well, technically we don't have a home without wheels (LOL) but you get the picture.

We are now back in Pahrump & what amazes us right now is it is so quiet.  There is no constant traffic, planes flying in, sirens, which by the way seems to be a constant in Las Vegas.  All I hear right now is Kilo's heavy breathing & Rod starting his snoring.  It is soooooooooooooo quiet.

Tomorrow, for grins we are going to get in touch with a realtor to see what kind of property is available. We have kicking around the thought of finding some base place for the winter & go north to Oregon & Washington for the Summer or base it in Oregon for the summer & travel south in the winter.  We also want to look in Carson City since we have narrowed those two areas as our faves & about as far south as we want to go.

Since gas prices continue to rise we have had to rethink how far & how much we want to travel.  I would have loved to go across the country, but that is probably NOT going to happen anytime soon.  There is still a lot to see in Nevada, Oregon & Washington, even Idaho.  California, not so much.
Gas is the highest that we have found.

We plan to roll in to Roseburg around April 24 or so.  Lots going on in May so it will be a very busy & fun month.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Little Delay...

They say the best laid plans are...going to get messed up?  Well, ours did & I did it.  I contracted some bug with a 103 degree fever, swelling on the right side of my face to chipmunk size, a very swollen glands.

It started Sunday night & we both knew I was sick when I couldn't stay up to watch "Once Upon A Time" or eat!  When I woke Monday it was at its worse with the fever so we went to an Urgent Care.  They said I needed to go to the Emergency because what they would have done for any normal person, they couldn't do for me.  I am allergic to tons of antibiotics & they only had penicillin, my worse nemesis.

Off we go to University Medical Center.  We got there at 3:30 pm & we were finished at midnight.  Yep - 8 and a half hours, blood test, CAT scan, 7 stations, and God only knows how much we will be billed for, I can safely say everything is AOK.  It is cellulitis of the face & where it came from...Who Knows!!!???

Today is Tuesday & since I have to have a follow up check in with a doctor, so we are staying an extra week.

On the happy side? is so heating up.  Rod broke out the shorts & his "Jesus" shoes/sandals.  Today - 79 tomorrow - 80's, they are even talking 90 this week.  Air conditioning here we come.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 Months

I can't believe we have been full-timing it for 6 months.  Where has the time gone?

Our last weekend here in Las Vegas & then off we go back to Oregon.  We will take about 6 weeks & have decided to go back through Carson City & maybe look at some property.  Actually there are a couple places we will look at property this Summer.  Maybe a winter base & then north for the Summer or a Summer base & south for the winter.  So many possibilities!

Nascar fever is here in Las Vegas so we are going to wait to do anything until the "tourists" are gone. LOL 

I have been doing some crafting & have made some samples for the classes I will be doing in Roseburg in May.  I am getting quite adept at making a huge mess, but everything is back in place when I am finished. 

My new passion is Pinterest. Who knew.  I have found lots of great recipes I can actually cook in the RV.  Our favorite is Sweet & Sour Chicken.  Check out my boards.  I can also pin my photos from my phone to my boards & then upload them to the computer.  I really want to do some kind of a memory book about our first year travelling.  I plan on copying my blog entries & mixing in photos of what we have done.

More later...we have a lot to do in the next week to get ready to hit the road hard.  Rethinking what we really need & getting rid of some stuff & adding other stuff.  One thing for sure we are going through the storage unit in Roseburg & getting rid of boxes of "I think I might need these things someday" when we were packing up.  It is amazing how little you really need & everything else is just stuff.

Our RV is our home & it really does feel homey.  There is stuff on the counter, photos & a calendar on the refridgerator, pillows on the couch, Kilo's blankie on the floor, you know the usual.  There are so many nooks and crannies of storage that we have everything we need & want.  It feels natural to live in the RV & call it home.

I don't know how much travelling we will do.  I know going across country is pretty much out because of gas prices, but there is still a lot to see in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and maybe Arizona.  California, not so much because it is so expensive, especially gas.  I have an app (I love apps) called the Gas Buddy.  All I have to do is type in the city and state & it tells us where the cheapest gas is at.  Then, we plug in the address with OnStar & we can go get cheap gas.  Cool huh? 

Another fave app is theWeather Bug.  We will use this a lot on the way home to check out weather conditions in any city.  Again, plug in the city and state & you have the weather for 7 days. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting Ready...

We are fast approaching the next faze of our adventures.  Heading back to Oregon probably March 13 to finish preparations for Scrapbook Fun Fest, May 25.  I am also planning on teaching classes at Roseburg Book and Stationery in May.

Planning our route home is changing constantly.   We have several different ways we will go depending largely on the weather.

Rod went to Sacramento & was gone about 10 days helping a friend of ours move to Las Vegas.  After moving the majority of his stuff, they went back to CA to pick up one more load.  Kilo & I house sat with his two standard poodles - Claude & Edy.  They are so sweet & so good.  All of the "kids" got along just fine!

I am working on Scrapbook Fun Fest stuff & finished adding to the website.  It took about three days to get it just right & I still made a real "oops".  No matter how much you check and recheck and re recheck you still make mistakes.  One of the teachers is using Duck Dynasty product, which I accidentally typed "Dick Dynasty".  Oops!  Glad she caught it.

I will be posting class info & photos of the classes here.  They really are some of the best classes we have had, but I say that every year.