Sunday, August 25, 2013

Year 2

Yep, we have officially started Year 2 on the road.  We left Sutherlin after 3 days of visiting & lots & lots of errands & headed to Lakeside for 2 days.  It turned in to 3 days because Ken came over to fish for salmon.  Rod was only going to fish 2 days but we "talked" him in to another day of fishing.

He certainly was very HAPPY we did...he caught a 23.8 pound salmon.  We were worried it wouldn't fit in our RV freezer, but it did & we have enjoyed a couple of delicious meals.

Today we decided to try making Lox.  I found a real simple recipe online & Rod found the perfect rock to weigh the marinated salmon down in the refer.  Can't wait to taste it in a few days.

After Lakeside we headed to Brookings for a couple of nights & he tried surf fishing with no luck.  After Brookings, we stopped for one night at Benbow just south of Garberville, CA. It was expensive, but I always wanted to try it out.

Before we got to Garberville, we took a pit stop & ate lunch at the Samoa Cookhouse in Eureka, CA.  All we could get through was soup, salad, homemade bread & dessert.  We passed up beef short ribs in gravy, peas, baked beans & Spanish Rice.  Now, 20 years ago when we started stopping at Samoa Cookhouse for breakfast, lunch or dinner we were able to eat all that & sometimes more.  They give you refills.  Not anymore, but what we had was good.

The other place we checked out on the way to Garberville was Orick camping by the beach.  It has been on my bucket list like...forever.  Well, no camping there any more so scratch that off the list.  At least I scratched off Benbow.

We have a couple more stops before we get to Kelseyville for the reunion.  The lox is part of our contribution to the weekend.  I also picked up 4 bottles of wine to share since wine is so expensive in CA, I bought it before we left OR.  Smart, huh?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Update of the Update

Never, & I mean NEVER count your chickens before they are hatched!
The bank called with the news that the property we are buying is in a flood zone.  A "high risk" flood zone.  Then, the insurance company said we would have to get flood insurance through the government (FEMA) & we would need an engineer's elevation survey done. If we didn't get it done then insurance could be anywhere from $300 - $4,000 a year on EACH house.
So, we are not getting the property after all.  Can you say bummed out?
Oh well, wish our realtor had really looked into the flood zone when we voiced concerns 2 weeks ago.  Instead she went by the word of the seller.  A "really nice older man".  Live & learn.
So, we are back to Plan B.  Keep rollin on down the road, which is in fact OK.  For us anything we do is a win win situation. 
Damn, I had colors picked out & a slew of projects for Rod to make in his workshop all pinned on my Colors & Around the House boards.  See what getting your hopes up does to you. 
We are staying on the coast until the middle of August, to Roseburg for 3 days & off CA for the policeman reunion.  We found out we can get a senior's discount to go to the fair in Lake County.  So going to take advantage of it.
We didn't get to do our 4, 4 for FREE going up the coast this Summer (Thank you Shannon), but we will try to do it next year. One thing we have learned this Summer is DO NOT plan more than a month ahead of your travels.
More later.